Course Description

Many teens (and adults) are struggling with repercussions (financial and otherwise) from use of the internet; it goes far beyond "bullying is bad." This particular course is designed to give high school age teens a broad overview of repercussions that can come from internet use and includes a survey regarding social media use and a quiz to help ensure information retention.


  • The Many Interpretations of the Written Word
  • Social Media Use and Repercussions
    • Banned from Use
    • Getting Your Butt Kicked
    • Creepers Stalking You
    • The Law - Criminal Charges - AZ Law
      • Harassment
      • Threatening and Intimidating Another
    • The Law - Civil Allegations - AZ Law
      • Defamation
    • Fools Remorse
      • Decisions That Are Not So Smart In The Long Run
    • Loss of Opportunity
      • Your Future Can Depend on Your Actions
  • Solutions to the Problems Identified in the Course
  • Ways to Use Social Media as a Positive Tool


  • Teens who want to learn more so they don't fall into the common traps that their peers do.
  • Parents and guardians who want to be proactive and ensure their kids are better educated about their online habits.
  • School administrators and counselors who have a student or two who they feel may need a lesson be it preventative or post incident education.
  • Law enforcement officials who encounter youth who can benefit from the pre or post incident education.
  • Court administrators and officers of the court who are assisting teens with diversion programs and are considering alternative educational methods.

Course Completion Certificates Available Upon Request.

If you have a GROUP that could use this lesson as a workshop, please contact us about group presentation availability and pricing by emailing [email protected]

Business & Internet Lawyer | Law Professor | Entrepreneur | Motivator | Speaker Anette Beebe

I left the fourth grade years ago believing that when I grew up I wanted to be an educator. When I first started college I still wanted to be a educator. However, by chance, my career path changed over time and turned towards the legal field. My formal education is coupled with over two decades of experience in the private practice legal field both in private practice and in-house for a popular dot com that hosted user generated content as a business model. Based upon my years of experience in the business and internet law world, and seeing a real need for education regarding internet use and repercussions from the same, I became motivated to turn my attention back towards teaching by sharing my knowledge with others through becoming adjunct faculty at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University and speaking engagements via online courses and in-person events for teens and adults/businesses alike.  A little proactive education could go a long way towards saving frustration and heartache in the future. Remember, "Fighting Fair on the Internet" is a real talent.

Course curriculum

    1. Quick Tutorial

    2. Welcome!

    1. Let Me Introduce Myself

    1. I am NOT Your Attorney

    1. One Sentence and Seven Different Meanings

    2. Delays in Response and Meanings

    3. Reasons for Delays

    1. Topic Overview

    2. Banned From Use

    3. Getting Your Butt Kicked

    4. Creepers Stalking You

    5. The Law - Criminal Charges

    6. The Law - Civil Allegations

    7. Fools Remorse

    8. Lost Opportunities

About this course

  • $49.99
  • 22 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


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