Learn Digital Citizenship

Courses for youth and adults.

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible and ethical behavior exhibited by individuals when using digital technologies and engaging in online activities. It encompasses a set of principles and practices that promote positive and productive engagement in the digital world. Just as good citizenship involves respecting laws, norms, and the well-being of others in the physical community, digital citizenship emphasizes the importance of respecting the rights, privacy, and safety of oneself and others in the online realm. Whether you are an educator wanting to learn how to teach students about digital citizenship (through traditional education or via homeschooling), a parent wanting to enroll their teens in a program so their kids can learn about digital citizenship, or are an adult wanting to bridge the knowledge gap when it comes to various aspects of digital citizenship, we've got you covered.

6 Key Aspects of Digital Citizenship:

  1. Digital Literacy: Having the knowledge and skills to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate, and utilize digital technologies. This includes understanding how to find and verify information, protect personal data, and engage in online communication.
  2. Online Safety: Practicing measures to ensure personal safety and privacy online, such as protecting passwords, recognizing and avoiding online threats like scams or cyberbullying, and understanding the consequences of sharing personal information.
  3. Respectful Online Behavior: Treating others with respect and empathy in online interactions, adhering to appropriate online etiquette, and avoiding behaviors such as cyberbullying, harassment, hate speech, or spreading misinformation (which can include defamation).
  4. Responsible Digital Footprint: Being aware of the potential long-term impact of one's online activities and content. This involves considering the permanence and reach of digital content, thinking before posting, and managing one's online reputation.
  5. Copyright and Intellectual Property: Respecting copyright laws and intellectual property rights by giving credit to original creators, obtaining appropriate permissions for use, and avoiding plagiarism.
  6. Digital Health and Well-being: Promoting a healthy balance between online and offline activities, managing screen time, being mindful of the impact of digital technologies on mental and physical health, and fostering a positive digital environment.

In the realm of digital citizenship, we hold the power to shape the digital world we inhabit. By embracing this concept, we become active contributors, responsible stewards, and positive influencers. Let's unlock the potential of digital citizenship, connect with others mindfully, and leave a lasting impact in the online community. Together, we can create a digital world that reflects the best of our humanity.

Remember, being a digital citizen is not a passive role—it's an opportunity to be a force for good in the digital universe. Let's embrace this responsibility and embark on a journey of digital citizenship that empowers us and enriches our digital lives.